Benefits of WhatsApp for collections:
  • Personalized communication
  • Speed ​​and efficiency
  • Attached files
Creating effective collection messages:

Basic structure:

  • Identification and reminder of debt
  • Payment suggestion
  • Confirmation request or payment date

Writing tips:

  • Simple and direct language
  • Short and to-the-point sentences
  • Mention the consequences of not paying
  • Kindness and respect

Examples of messages

Establishing a communication protocol:

  • Define message times and frequency
  • Handle responses and objections
  • Tracking and documenting conversations

Additional tools and resources:

  • Predefined templates and messages
  • Integration with collection management systems
  • Applications and complementary services

WhatsApp facilitates collection and communication with debtors.
A communication protocol, compelling messages, and additional tools are crucial to success.
WhatsApp can be an indispensable ally in recovering debts and maintaining positive client relationships.